We now have 12 Isa Brown chooks foraging in the nursery area. As well as producing big brown beautiful eggs, Isa Browns are known for their enthusiasm for devouring snails, slugs, spiders, worms and other creepy crawlies. They are also terrific little diggers and will clean up the weeds from under trees more efficiently than I could possibly manage. Within our chook yard, a persimmon, pomegranate, elderberry and some apples are currently benefiting from the ultimate chook experience:

An electric fence is then erected around an area of approximately 50 square metres and the chooks are released into their new territory. They spend the day digging around the trees and fertilising the area and then in the early evening they are released into the nursery area to clean up snails and other pests.

After gorging ourselves on poached eggs, scrambled eggs, omelettes, soufflés, custards and meringues we realised that if we consumed all the eggs the “girls” were producing, we’d end up with dangerous cholesterol levels.
We have now come to a very satisfactory arrangement with a roadside stall at a nearby farm where they sell our eggs and we get a discount on their vegies. A perfect "eggs-ample" of community co-operation.

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