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Flat out like a lizard drinking
We spent the weekend working practically dawn to dusk trying to prepare for the Plant Sale day. We (mostly David) tidied up the yard, organised stands for herbs, and a bath for the water plants, cleared fallen tree branches and trimmed some low hanging limbs. Exhausting work but the area where the plants will be assembled is looking much more presentable. We have also decided to can the idea of a “Halloween Herb sale” and to go with the concept of a Plant Sale of culinary and medicinal herbs and practical plants. David will give talks at 12 noon and 2pm on the topic “Herbs in the Permaculture garden”.
Tidying up on the weekend, I was wondering why we had not found more snails with all the rain we have been getting and then I discovered why. A bluetongue lizard (see photo) has taken up residence in the nursery and has been gorging himself (or herself) on all the snails around the big pots. I had thought that birds (butcher birds, kookaburras) might have been responsible for the snail control as SOMEONE has been taking chunks out of the potted lettuce in the shade house. On second thoughts, I think the bower birds might have something to do with that. I was hoping that putting a bird bath out for them might have distracted them from sampling the salad herbs but I should have known better. They have developed a taste for lettuce, endive, rocket and cress.
We also have a resident brown snack at the front of the house and a huge red-bellied black snake next to the blueberries behind the laurels so the bluetongue is in good company. We may have to put up signs at the Plant Sale warning folk not to stray from the grassed area. They may get to see more than they bargained for!
Still working on the plant list and hope to post it on this blog in a day or two.
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