This is just a short post to see if anyone out there has any promotional ideas for selling plants.
I had already planned to have a “Spring” plant sale at the end of the month and as it is on the eve of Halloween, I thought I would combine the two and have a Halloween Herbs sale. I have pots of garlic and onions and chives to ward off the vampires and other herbs that are reputed to have magical properties – rue, lavender, catnip, comfrey etc. I thought of offering everyone purchasing over a certain value in plants a free pot of garlic.
Apart from an ad in the local paper and a sign in the nearest village I don’t know how best to promote the idea of a Halloween Herb sale. Lighting a bonfire is out of the question as it is bushfire season here and fires are strictly prohibited. I thought maybe a scarecrow out the front of the place and a pumpkin or two.
It’s really weird that all the icons that we associate with Halloween: pumpkins, onions etc are part of a Northern Hemisphere autumn harvest tradition. Here in Australia it is Spring and celebrating an autumn festival in spring can be quite confusing.
If someone has any ideas on how to promote the event, I would be glad of the input.
Hi there. I like the idea of the salad box, that sounds really useful. I'll drop in and get a couple when I'm in the area. As for promotional ideas... hmmmm. I would put up posters everywhere in all the nearby towns. Newspaper ads and press releases of course. Radio? BIG sign out the front...
Can't think of anything else. Good luck.
Fitoenergético Ervas Medicinais
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